The art of putting on makeup is nothing to be trivialized. That whole routine, while often parodied and complained about, is a labor of love and often done for the benefit of the lucky partners of women. Even with hours spent on perfecting those lines, shaping those lips, and plucking those eyebrows, all that work can be nullified with a little sweat and brushing against something, no matter what brand you use. Enter the world of permanent makeup.
The idea of permanently tattooing makeup on one’s face may sound scary for some, but for many women, if they had the opportunity to never have to paint on their eyebrows, apply eyeliner, or even keep a perfect shade of pink on their lips, they might be lying if they say they wouldn’t consider it, barring no adverse effects.
Tattoo makeup Ottawa is very similar to traditional tattoos, but they aren’t exactly the same. This concept is also used for those with skin pigmentation problems or disease, such as Vitiligo, where skin color is enhanced where the person can enjoy a uniform shade throughout their body.
The most popular uses of tattoo makeup would have to be eyeliner and eyebrows, followed by the lips. Other jobs, like eye shadow or blush involve a more skilled artist that is an expert in shading and skin pigmentation. Even then, there is no guarantee on just how the final product will look like after it is applied to the skin. This is why most users stick to more defined lines and smaller enhancements in the makeup routine.
Your experience with tattoo makeup jobs can vary and the risk for a bad makeup job is just as high as getting a poor tattoo piece done on your body. Some permanent makeup-only establishments are ran by amateur tattooist that never got their break in the tattoo industry, others have little to no experience tattooing, but have backgrounds in dermatology or cosmetology. It’s best that you do your homework for a while, before hopping in the chair and going under the needle.
Other things to remember about tattoo makeup is that you can have adverse reactions to the pigments, as everyone’s skin and immune system is different. This is no different than a regular tattoo place, safety and sanitation is paramount, make sure that you know your needle is clean, hands are clean, and inks are well-maintained.
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